We are dedicated to ethically
safeguarding all of your data.
Sharing your critical data externally demands trust, and we respect that. At Nfig, we adhere to the highest global standards for data protection and Ethical AI Principles.
Nfig Data Privacy & Security Commitment
Nfig will solely access data that has been mutually agreed upon, solely for the purpose of serving our customers.
Nfig is SOC 2 compliant, adhering to ISO 20017, GDPR, and pursuing certification to ensure data security.
Nfig employs a blend of our proprietary internal models and OpenAI to deliver our services.
Our model at Nfig is designed to refrain from learning from or sharing customer data across different instances.
We do not fetch additional information to enhance users' personal data or to identify further details about an individual.
Nfig has chosen not to share system information, even when pseudonymized or anonymized.
Committed to Ethical AI Principles
We uphold the ethical principles of AI, which are
AI should be employed for beneficial purposes. AI should eliminate bias and discrimination. AI should be secure and dependable. Humans should maintain control over AI. AI should be transparent and accountable.
The Standard in Data Security
Your data security is our top priority, backed by global standards and certifications.
As a SOC 2 compliant company, Nfig is committed to your data’s security. We're pursuing additional certifications while adhering to global standards like ISO 20017 and GDPR, all to ensure the highest level of protection and ethical AI practices.
Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
Nfig ensures your data’s privacy and security by adhering to global standards like SOC 2 Type 1, GDPR, and ISO 20017, with a strong commitment to Ethical AI.
Still have questions?
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.